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LBI NY | Berlin: 70 Years of LBI: Bridging Generations

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

LBI is celebrating its 70th anniversary with a two-part exhibit, 70 Years of LBI: Bridging Generations. The exhibit will tell the story of LBI’s founding and showcase recent LBI projects. The first part of the exhibit regales viewers with the story of the Institute from its May 1955 founding conference in Jerusalem to the present...

LBI London: (Un)Welcome Returns?

(Re-) Naturalisation Rights of German Jews and their Descendants in the Federal Republic of Germany / Since 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany has allowed former citizens, whose citizenship was revoked by the Nazis due to their Jewish faith or ‘race’, to reclaim it. Yet, over the past 75 years, there have been significant changes...

LBI NY | Berlin: Anne Frank’s Diary: The Making of an Urtext of the Holocaust

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Raphael Gross joins the LBI to discusses the making and reception of Anne Frank's Diary in literary history. Historian Raphael Gross, Director of the German Historical Museum and co-editor of a new critical edition of Anne Frank’s diary, discusses the making and reception of a unique document in literary history. Neither a true diary that...

LBI NY | Berlin: Leo Baeck Memorial Panel

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Bridging Generations, Disciplines, and the Atlantic: LBI at 70 As they began their salvage of the material and intellectual legacy of European Jewry, the Leo Baeck Institute's founders hoped to assemble a narrative of the German-Jewish past that was comprehensive, synthetic, and "free from apologetic or tendentious coloring." Today, the collections of the LBI inform...

WAG: Konferenz »80 Jahre Kriegsende: Jüdische Perspektiven auf Neuanfänge in Deutschland und Europa der Nachkriegszeit«

Schloss Glienicke Königstraße 36, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

  Am 8. Mai 1945 endete der Zweite Weltkrieg in Europa mit der bedingungslosen Kapitulation der Wehrmacht und der Befreiung von der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft. Zwei Monate später entschieden Vertreter der drei alliierten Großmächte USA, Großbritannien und Sowjetunion auf der Potsdamer Konferenz im Schloss Cecilienhof über die politische und demografische Zukunft Europas, in dem zuvor nie...

LBI London: Rethinking German Nationalism in the Interwar Period

Senate House London

Due to the horrors of the Third Reich, we have come to think of German nationalism as inherently antisemitic, racist, antidemocratic, and violent. This talk challenges this conventional interpretation. It shows how the defenders of the Weimar and First Austrian Republics used the großdeutsch idea, the notion that Austria should be part of a German...

LBI London: Hitler’s Mein Kampf: Reflections 100 Years On

Hitler and the history of the Nazis remain extremely popular topics and ones that never cease to attract people’s interest, even fascination. It is crucial to comprehend the nature of Mein Kampf, the mindset of its author, Adolf Hitler, and the ideology he espoused that brought untold tragedy to millions of people – death, destruction,...

LBI London: Eva Reichmann: Witness, Historian, Legacy – Inaugural Eva Reichmann Lecture

Wiener Holocaust Library 29 Russell Square, London, England, Vereinigtes Königreich

Join us for the inaugural Eva Reichmann Lecture, co-hosted by the Leo Baeck Institute London and The Wiener Holocaust Library. This special event celebrates the legacy of Dr. Eva Reichmann, a pioneering historian whose groundbreaking work continues to shape our understanding of Nazi persecution and Holocaust historiography.  Programme Welcome & Introduction  Dr. Joseph Cronin (Director, Leo Baeck Institute...


LBI London: A Politics of Inaction: Daoism in German-Jewish Thought

In the early twentieth century, German-Jewish thinkers converged upon Daoism as a means to criticise state power and the dominance of economic productivity in modern society. Figures like Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig, and Walter Benjamin explored how Daoist ideas could inspire alternative ways of organising social and economic life, thereby challenging stereotypes of ‘China’ as...