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Nach der Katastrophe. Lesung und Gespräch zum 7. Oktober im Jüdischen Museum Frankfurt a. M.

Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt Bertha-Pappenheim-Platz, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen

Nach der Katastrophe. Lesung und Gespräch zum 7. Oktober Das Massaker vom 7. Oktober 2023 stellt für Israelis sowie Jüdinnen und Juden weltweit eine Zäsur dar. Das schiere Ausmaß und die ungeheuerliche Brutalität, die Geiselnahmen und ein Krieg, der so lange wie noch keiner zuvor andauert, haben weitreichende Folgen. Das Vertrauen in die Sicherheit von...

LBI London Vorlesungssreihe 2024 | A German-Jewish Athlete during the Age of Extremes: Alex Natan (1906-71)


Über die Vorlesungsreihe Die diesjährige Vorlesungsreihe "Outsiders in German-Jewish History" (dt. Außenseiter in der deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte) möchte die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen von Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften aufdecken, die sich am Rande der Gesellschaft befanden. Zeit- und ortsübergreifend bieten die Vorträge unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf die Widerstandsfähigkeit und Hartnäckigkeit derjenigen, die sich mit den Herausforderungen des Außenseitertums auseinandergesetzt haben....

7. Oktober. Stimmen aus Israel. Präsentation des Jüdischen Almanachs 2024 im Ariowitsch-Haus Leipzig

Kultur- und Begegnungszentrum Ariowitsch-Haus e.V. Hinrichsenstraße 14, Leipzig

Der Almanach zum 7. Oktober – Versuch einer Einordnung   Eine Buchvorstellung von Frau Prof. Gisela Dachs Der 7. Oktober 2023 stellt für die Israelis eine Zäsur ohnegleichen dar. Von nun an wird es in der Zeitrechnung nur noch ein Davor und ein Danach geben. Das schiere Ausmaß und die ungeheuerliche Brutalität der Angriffe der...

LBI New York | Berlin: Antisemitism as a Pillar of Fascism with John Ganz and Gavriel D. Rosenfeld.

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Antisemitism as a Pillar of Fascism with John Ganz and Gavriel D. Rosenfeld. Part 1 of the LBI Forum on Antisemitism and Democracy About the event: Hitler’s attempt to wrest control of the German state and end Weimar democracy from the cellar of Munich’s Bürgerbräu beer hall in 1923 failed spectacularly and landed him in...

LBI New York | Berlin: „As a Jew“ – Identity, Conflict, and Politics with Emily Tamkin and Philipp Nielsen

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

"As a Jew" – Identity, Conflict, and Politics with Emily Tamkin and Philipp Nielsen Part 2 of the LBI Forum on Antisemitism & Democracy About the event: On the eve of WWI, German Jews had enjoyed full civil rights for at least a generation but found their place in society was still contested. Sensing an...

LBI New York | Berlin. Symposium: Macht & Ohnmacht.

Berlin Berlin, Germany

Von Machtlosigkeit, Resilienz und Selbstermächtigung - Deutsch-Jüdische Perspektiven   Am 3. November 2024 organisiert das Leo Baeck Institute – New York |Berlin ein eintägiges Symposium unter dem Titel "Macht und Ohnmacht - Von Machtlosigkeit, Resilienz und Selbstermächtigung". Unter dem Leitmotiv „Wenn einem alles genommen wird – was dann?“, inspiriert durch den Podcast EXIL, möchten wir...

LBI New York | Berlin: Fighting Back – Jewish Responses to Antisemitism with Michael Brenner and Jane Eisner.

Fighting Back – Jewish Responses to Antisemitism with Michael Brenner and Jane Eisner. Part 3 of the LBI Forum On Antisemitism and Democracy About the event: In 1932, Germany’s leading Jewish civil rights organization, the Central Association of German Jews, or Centralverein, published a brochure entitled We German Jews. 321–1932. The dates in the title...

Vernissage der »Library of Lost Books« im Foyer der Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt a.M.

Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt Freimannplatz 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Am 14. November 2024, 19 Uhr eröffnet die Ausstellung »Library of Lost Books« im Foyer der Universitätsbibliothek J.C. Senckenberg. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, die Vernissage mit uns zu feiern! Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung stellt Dr. Irene Aue-Ben-David, Direktorin des Leo Baeck Institute Jerusalem, das gleichnamige Projekt hinter der Ausstellung vor. »Library of Lost Books«...

Konferenz: Revisiting Jewish Feminism: The Jüdischer Frauenbund, a Contemporary Perspective on its 120th Jubilee

Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt Bertha-Pappenheim-Platz, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen

Die Konferenz zum 120. Jubiläum knüpft an frühere und aktuelle Projekte des LBI an, das sich seit Jahren der Geschichte und dem Erbe deutsch-jüdischer Frauen widmet. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den Aktivistinnen und Intellektuellen des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, wie beispielsweise Bertha Pappenheim, einer der führenden Persönlichkeiten des Jüdischen Frauenbundes. Der Jüdische Frauenbund (JFB) wurde 1904...

LBI Book Club (online): »Käsebier Takes Berlin« by Gabrielle Tergit


In Berlin, 1930, the name Käsebier is on everyone’s lips. A literal combination of the German words for “cheese” and “beer,” it’s an unglamorous name for an unglamorous man—a small-time crooner who performs nightly on a shabby stage for laborers, secretaries, and shopkeepers. Until the press shows up. In the blink of an eye, this...

LBI London Vorlesungssreihe 2024 | More Light – Art Against Hate. Fighting Holocaust Denial and the Rise of Right-Wing Nationalism in Poland

LBI London Mile End Road, 2nd Floor, Arts Two Building Queen Mary, University of London, London, Großbritannien

Über die Vorlesungsreihe Die diesjährige Vorlesungsreihe "Outsiders in German-Jewish History" (dt. Außenseiter in der deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte) möchte die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen von Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften aufdecken, die sich am Rande der Gesellschaft befanden. Zeit- und ortsübergreifend bieten die Vorträge unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf die Widerstandsfähigkeit und Hartnäckigkeit derjenigen, die sich mit den Herausforderungen des Außenseitertums auseinandergesetzt haben....

Exhibition Launch: Library of Lost Books in Tel Aviv

Shaarei Tzion - Beit Ariela Library Sderot Shaul Hameleh 25, Tel Aviv, Israel

The physical exhibition of the Grimme Award-winning Library of Lost Books is launching in Israel, Tel Aviv. Join us for the opening! Greetings: H.E. the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Steffen Seibert Q&A Session mit       Anya Zhuravel Segal Introduction:  Dr. Irene Aue-Ben-David Speakers:       Prof. Avriel Bar Levav      ...

LBI NY | Berlin: Closing Borders: Immigration and World War I with Tobias Brinkmann and José C. Moya

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

The rise of the United States and Israel as centers of Jewish life is closely tied to immigration. Yet the success story of Jewish immigration obscures the experiences of hundreds of thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe who were displaced during and after the First World War. Wherever they turned they faced closed doors. The...

LBI Jerusalem: An Evening in Honor of Eyal Winter’s Book “Anna’s Children”.

LBI Jerusalem 33 Bustenai Street, Jerusalem, Israel

Anna Winter, who headed the philanthropic association for the Jewish orphanage, announces on the eve of Kristallnacht that the orphanage was set on fire and the children were left without shelter. From this moment on her soul is bound in their soul. Chair: Rachel Livne-Freudenthal (Leo Baeck Institute) Speakers: Dalia Ofer (Hebrew University), Dr. Natalie Naimark...

LBI NY | Berlin: Book Club: Family Declassified with the author Katherine Fennelly

About Family Declassified: Uncovering My Grandfather's Journey from Spy to Children's Book Author Why do people keep deep secrets about their lives and ancestry? In Family Declassified, Katherine Fennelly applies her expertise as a social science researcher to answer this question regarding her maternal grandfather, a Jewish Hungarian immigrant who arrived in the US one...

LBI Jerusalem: Book Launch: The Policy of Persecution And Jewish Life in Nazi Germany: A Selection of Documents 1933-1945

LBI Jerusalem 33 Bustenai Street, Jerusalem, Israel

This book offers Hebrew readers a rich selection of documents on the lives of Jews in Nazi Germany, spanning from the rise of the Nazi regime to the outbreak of World War II. The first section, The German Reich 1933–1937, is based on the first volume of the German series Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der...

LBI NY | Berlin: Book Talk: Saints and Liars by Debórah Dwork.

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Marion Kaplan will join Debórah Dwork to discuss her new book, Saints and Liars.   Saints and Liars is a moving history of American relief workers during the Hitler years who sought to save Jews and political opponents targeted by the Nazi regime. Praised by Publishers’ Weekly as “a gripping study of individuals’ operations in...

LBI NY | Berlin: Book Talk: Conversion and Catastrophe by Abraham Rubin.

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Abraham Rubin joins LBI to present his latest book, Conversion and Catastrophe in German-Jewish Émigré Autobiography (2024, University of Toronto Press) Conversion and Catastrophe in German-Jewish Émigré Autobiography is a collective biography of German-Jewish converts to Christianity, who recounted their spiritual and confessional journeys against the backdrop of the Holocaust and its aftermath. The book...

LBI Jerusalem: Law, Culture And Jewish Identity 1900- 1970 Identity

You are invited to the fourth online meeting in the series: Laws, Contracts and Agreements: A Look at Law in German-Jewish History and Culture   In the Subject Of: Law, Culture And Jewish Identity 1900-1970   With Participation of: Dr. Gal Hertz (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design) Prof. Jose´ Brunner (Tel Aviv University)  ...

LBI NY | Berlin: Book Talk: Rupture, Reconciliation, & Visual Storytelling with Stefanie Fischer and Kim Wünschmann

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Stefanie Fischer and Kim Wünschmann will join LBI to discuss their recent graphic history, Oberbrechen: A German Village Confronts Its Nazi Past. Oberbrechen (illustrated by Liz Clarke) chronicles the events of the Holocaust and its aftermath in a small village in rural Germany, through the eyes of historians Fischer and Wünschmann. Based on meticulous research...

LBI London: Before the Holocaust: Antisemitic Violence and the Reaction of German Elites and Institutions during the Nazi Takeover – Online Book Talk

Historians have traditionally argued that antisemitic violence in Nazi Germany rose gradually, from low levels during the first years of Hitler's rule to a high point in the Reich-wide pogrom of November 1938. Before the Holocaust, based on research in more than twenty German archives, demonstrates that this long-held assumption is wrong. During the months-long Nazi takeover...

LBI New York: The Archive – Performance by Neta Pulvermacher

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Leo Baeck Institute is proud to present the North American premiere of interdisciplinary performance The Archive by Neta Pulvermacher. The performances will take place February 24, 25, and 26 at the Center for Jewish History. When the last person who remembers is gone, whole worlds disappear forever. Israeli/American artist, choreographer and performer Neta Pulvermacher situates...

LBI NY | Berlin: Family and Friends Remembering Lore. Celebrating a Life Well-Lived

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Please join us remembering Lore Segal, novelist, essayist, short story writer, translator and children's book author. Family and friends will remember Lore and celebrate her life well-lived, with words, film and music. Marth 9th, 2025, 14:00-16:00 EDT Center for Jewish History 15 W. 16th St. New York, NY 10011 If you are not able to...

LBI NY | Berlin: Opening – The Vienna Model of Radicalization

On March 12, 2025 at 6:30 PM, LBI will open the exhibit The Vienna Model of Radicalization. This new exhibition, on show for the first time in the United States, explores the significance of the Holocaust in Austria and highlights the role of Vienna as gateway for the radicalization of antisemitic policy in the Nazi...

LBI NY | Berlin: Anne Frank’s Diary: The Making of an Urtext of the Holocaust

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York, USA

Raphael Gross joins the LBI to discusses the making and reception of Anne Frank's Diary in literary history. Historian Raphael Gross, Director of the German Historical Museum and co-editor of a new critical edition of Anne Frank’s diary, discusses the making and reception of a unique document in literary history. Neither a true diary that...