LBI 70th Anniversary Celebrations: Biennial Lecture 2025 with Frank McDonough

Writing on the Wall: The Unfolding Persecution of Jews 1933 to 1939 This lecture looks at the response of Jews to incidents of persecution and humiliation from Hitler coming to…
LBI London: Before the Holocaust: Antisemitic Violence and the Reaction of German Elites and Institutions during the Nazi Takeover – Online Book Talk

Historians have traditionally argued that antisemitic violence in Nazi Germany rose gradually, from low levels during the first years of Hitler’s rule to a high point in the Reich-wide pogrom…
LBI NY | Berlin: Book Talk: Conversion and Catastrophe by Abraham Rubin.

Abraham Rubin joins LBI to present his latest book, Conversion and Catastrophe in German-Jewish Émigré Autobiography (2024, University of Toronto Press) Conversion and Catastrophe in German-Jewish Émigré Autobiography is a…
Eröffnungsfeier der Library of Lost Books in Tel Aviv

Am 9. Dezember eröffnete die Ausstellung der mit dem Grimme-Preis ausgezeichneten Library of Lost Books in Tel Aviv. Ort der Veranstaltung ist die Beit Ariela Bibliothek, die sich sehr prominent…