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LBI London | Library of Lost Books in London

6. Juni10. Juli

This week an exhibition linked to the international provenance research project The Library of Lost Books is coming to the Wiener Holocaust Library. It brings the story of the Higher Institute for Jewish Studies in Berlin and its library into the heart of London. This institute, operating from 1872 until it was closed down by the Nazis in 1942, was dedicated to the study of Jewish history and culture, as well as rabbinical studies in Liberal Judaism.

During the Holocaust the Hochschule’s unique Library of books was looted by the Nazis and scattered across the globe. The exhibition reveals the complex journeys Nazi looted books took in the aftermath of the Shoah.

This exhibition, the first of its kind in the UK, tells the story of the Hochschule – from a vibrant space for German-Jewish learning to a victim of Nazi crime.

Further Events conntected to the Exhibition you will find here↗




6. Juni
10. Juli
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Wiener Holocaust Library
29 Russell Square
London, England WC1B 5DP Vereinigtes Königreich
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LBI London