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LBI New York | Berlin: „As a Jew“ – Identity, Conflict, and Politics with Emily Tamkin and Philipp Nielsen

LBI New York | Berlin - Center for Jewish History 15 W 16th St, New York

"As a Jew" – Identity, Conflict, and Politics with Emily Tamkin and Philipp Nielsen Part 2 of the LBI Forum on Antisemitism & Democracy About the event: On the eve of WWI, German Jews had enjoyed full civil rights for at least a generation but found their place in society was still contested. Sensing an...

The Annual Else Lasker-Schüler Lecture


We invite you to the 6th Else Lasker-Schüler Annual Lecture on the topic of "Missed encounters: Else Lasker-Schüler, Leah Goldberg, and Zelda Mishkovsky at Cafe Zichel in Jerusalem, 1940s" With the rise of the Nazis to power, the Jewish-German poet Else Lasker-Schüler, admired among cultured people in Germany, had to flee to Jerusalem. Having no...

Pioniere im Exil | Konzert in der Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

  Zum Hintergrund "Es begann mit einem Foto aus dem Jahr 1922. Vor einer Hauswand scharen sich 13 Männer um eine Frau in der Bildmitte und schauen ernst in die Kamera. Die 14 Komponist:innen aus verschiedenen Ländern waren Teil einer Gruppe von Tonkünstler:innen, die damals in Salzburg das erste Internationale Kammermusikfestival veranstalteten. Am Ende dieses...